Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Play Therapy for?
Play Therapy or Therapeutic Play is a psychotherapeutic intervention, usually suitable for children and young people aged 3-13 years. Those referred for therapy may have experienced a trauma or be displaying behaviours which parents/carers or school staff feel that they need some help to support. This may include, but is not limited to
bereavement and loss
adoption and fostering
medical treatment
understanding neurodivergence
lack of attention
emotionally based school avoidance
aggressive behaviour
changes or disruption to home life (e.g. separation of parents)
Who can make a referral?
Either school staff or parents can make a referral. All therapy is undertaken in the school setting but can be funded by either party.
How do I refer?
Email and the necessary paperwork will be sent to you. It is often helpful at this point to have an initial telephone consultation to tailor your support appropriately.
What happens next?
Regardless of who makes the referral, I speak to parents/ carers and school staff as well as the child to get a full picture of the client using appropriate diagnostic and monitoring tools. Therapy takes place at the same time and place each week for a minimum of twelve sessions (to be reviewed around session 6). It is vital that therapy does not end in an unplanned way for the well-being of the child. At the end of therapy, I write a thorough report and make recommendations for next steps. What happens in the therapy sessions is confidential (other than when following safe guarding protocols) but I can discuss perceived strengths and difficulties with relevant stakeholders.